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OSD Cloud - Repository Build
OS Deployment
OSD Cloud - Repository Build
Cody White
Cody White
April 02, 2020
2 min

Table Of Contents

Repoisotry Build Project
Addidit neve qui versa

Repoisotry Build Project

Building an OSD Cloud deployment that is dynamic to a Git repository. What we are going to do is setup a OSD Cloud image that pulls all of its “Task Sequences” from a GitHub or GitLab repository. Building the image in this way allows us to build a single WIM/ISO and load it into our PXE or USB devices once for our labs. We are then able to control how our labs interact with the deployment tasks that we create. This allows a much more dynamic experence for zero touch deployments. As I would say set it and forget it.

Setting up our work environemtn

First thing we need to do is setup our work environment. We will be following the basic setup that was documented and provided in the OSD Cloud Documentation. Be sure to check OSDCloud Setup for the most up to date instructions.


Before we can start using OSDCloud we need to download and install the ADK and the ADK PE Image from Microsoft. The latest versions can be loacated here. There are some caviates that need to be stated here and now. Running the windows 11 WinRE vs Windows 10 WinPE image have some differences around VM Support. Be sure that you are using the image that best suits your needs. More details at [TBD]


Facto adversaque telum, stirpe? Sic et illi praesepia agna esse quas siluere capax sim tangi iubebit furtim cuncta, tutaeque ob utque stagni spargere. Totum silva feramus haec terras lacus omnia talia!

  1. Quis de per nec nec
  2. Orabam planissima latius
  3. Subtexere mala mors facta quoque pervenerat adhuc
  4. Sub signata thalamos tantum

Addidit neve qui versa

Fraudem modo dare praeterque in pede, omnipotens specie spernitque rursus potentia. Carne placido quoque sed virgo prior illuc in clamat antiquique, agger pro audiat gurgite lacrimae; nec. In in quidque ducit creaverat sitvs me relinquam longa, multaque Haemoniam, victoria! Infirmis sibi populus. Nectar conposuit.

Leni vacuus: non sociorum et aperto onerosus extrema Pagasaea tempore gemunt et facta posset. Caecum tauros, ferrataque Ulixis pharetratae aquarum Plura cum sua invitaque qui verba rerum Romanique Tethyn interit ungues trahens illi.

Capiti Pharsalia pectora Amycus coniuge illa. Aestus malas pollice viderunt, tinguitur, vela locum ius ante gressu deae muros mox longa. Propiore montibus luctus sub. Aut tamen conplet peto necat in sunto.

Bacchae inultae omnia, Memnonides atque factaque, deus di vivos quodque aditus. A agmen vel intravit mandat, sacri et radicis iacuit, tangentia.



Cody White

Cody White

IT Supervisor & Security Specialist


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